EC fertilizer regulations last updated April 2013

EC fertilizer regulations last updated April 2013 Contents: TITLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS CHAPTER I Scope and definitions CHAPTER II Placing on the market TITLE II PROVISIONS FOR SPECIFIC TYPES OF FERTILISERS

IFA world fertilizer use manual

IFA WORLD FERTILIZER USE MANUAL The manual is a 600-page handbook, containing detailed information on current fertilizer use recommendations and practices, for a wide range of world crops. Following an introduction on fertilizers and their efficient use, there are chapters on individual crops or groups of crops,

NPK fertilizer blending logic diagram

NPK fertilizer blending logic diagram Getting the best mathematical combination: Mathematical permutations and combinations are made in this step to get the requested grade of NPK , and in this step the need for fillers or not is determined.


Maize fertilization - IFA WORLD FERTILIZER USE MANUAL 1992 Contents: Crop data - Plant analytical data - Fertilizer recommendations - Forms of fertilizer - Present fertilizer recommendations/practices

Plant Anatomy

Title :

Plant Anatomy

Author :

Kim Foglia & Kelly Reidell

Number of slides:


Slideshow :

Content transcript :

Basic plant anatomy 1
* root
* root tip
* root hairs
Plant Body Hierarchy
* Tissue
* Cells with a common function
* Organ
* 3 basic organs
* Roots
* Stems
* Leaves

* Roots anchor plant in soil, absorb 
minerals & water, & store food
* fibrous roots (1)
* mat of thin roots that spread out
* monocots
* tap roots (2)
* 1 large vertical root 
* also produces many small lateral, 
or branch roots 
* dicots
* root hairs (3)
* increase absorptive 
surface area
Basic plant anatomy 2
* root
* root tip
* root hairs
* shoot (stem)
* nodes
* internodes
* buds
* terminal or apical buds
* axillary buds
* flower buds & flowers
Modified shoots
Basic plant anatomy 3
* root
* root tip
* root hairs
* shoot (stem)
* nodes
* internodes
* buds
* terminal or apical buds
* axillary buds
* flower buds & flowers 
* leaves
* mesophyll tissue
* veins (vascular bundles)
* Function of leaves
* photosynthesis
* energy production
* CHO production
* gas exchange
* transpiration
Modified leaves

Interdependent systems
* Both systems depend on the other
* roots depend on  sugars produced by photosynthetic leaves
* shoots depend on water & minerals absorbed from the soil by roots
* Dermal
* epidermis (“skin” of plant)
* single layer of tightly packed cells that covers 
& protects plant
* Ground
* bulk of plant tissue 
* photosynthetic mesophyll, storage 
* Vascular
* transport system in 
shoots & roots 
* xylem & phloem
Plant CELL types in plant tissues
* Parenchyma
* “typical” plant cells = least specialized
* photosynthetic cells, storage cells
* tissue of leaves, stem, fruit, storage roots
* Collenchyma
* unevenly thickened primary walls
* support
* Sclerenchyma 
* very thick, “woody” secondary walls
* support
* rigid cells that can’t elongate
* dead at functional maturity
* Thick, rigid cell wall
* lignin (wood)
* cannot elongate
* mostly dead at maturity
* Cells for support
* xylem vessels
* xylem tracheids
* fibers
* rope fibers
* sclereids
* nutshells
* seed coats 
* grittiness in pears

Phloem: food-conducting cells
Phloem: food-conducting cells
* Living cells at functional maturity
* cell membrane, cytoplasm
* control of diffusion
* lose their nucleus, ribosomes & vacuole
* more room for specialized transport of 
liquid food (sucrose)
* Cells 
* sieve tubes
* sieve plates — end walls — have pores to facilitate flow of fluid between cells
* companion cells
* nucleated cells connected to the sieve-tube 
* help sieve tubes
Vascular tissue in stems
Vascular tissue in roots: dicot
Vascular tissue in roots: monocot
Putting it all together 
* Obtaining raw materials
* sunlight
* leaves = solar collectors
* CO2
* stomates = gas exchange
* H2O
* uptake from roots
* nutrients
* uptake from roots
Plant Growth
* Apical meristem
* Growth in length
* Primary
* Lateral meristem
* Growth in diameter
* Secondary

Growth in woody plants
* Woody plants grow in height from tip
* primary growth
* apical meristem
* Woody plants grow in diameter from sides
* secondary growth
* lateral meristems
* vascular cambium
* makes 2° phloem & 2° xylem
* cork cambium
* makes bark
Primary growth of roots
* Root cap
* Protects root as it grows
* Cell division (mitosis)
* Cells small
* Cell elongation
* Cell differentiation
* Cells mature into 
final cell types
Primary growth of stems
* Shoot apical meristem
* Dividing cells at shoot tip
* Develop from axillary bud on stem’s surface

Secondary plant growth: vascular cambium
* Adds secondary xylem & phloem
* Thickens roots & stems
* Heartwood
* Close to center
* Does not transport water 
* Sapwood
* Transport xylem sap
* Outer layers

Secondary plant growth:  cork cambium
* Periderm
* Cork cambium & tissues
* Produces thick covering
* Protects from water loss
* Phelloderm
* Thin layer of parenchyma
* Secondary tissue
* Exterior of cork cambium
* Suberin - waxy

Deciduous Fruit fertilization - IFA WORLD FERTILIZER USE MANUAL

Deciduous Fruit fertilization - IFA WORLD FERTILIZER USE MANUAL 1992


  1. Apple (Malus pumila Mill.) French: Pommier; Spanish: Manzano; Italian: Melo; German: Apfel; Arabic: التفاح. 
  2. Pear (Pyrus communis L.) French: Poirier; Spanish: Peral; Italian: Pero; German: Birne; Arabic: الكمثرى. 
  3. Peach (Prunus persica L.) French: Pecher; Spanish: Melocotonero; Italian: Pesco; German: Pfirsich; Arabic: الخوخ.

Grape fertilization - IFA world fertilizer use manual

Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) fertilization - IFA world fertilizer use manual 1992

  • Crop data
  • Nutrient demand/uptake/removal

NPK fertilizer blending logic diagram

Title :

NPK fertilizer blending logic diagram

Author :

Eng. Khaled Gharib


Citrus fertilizer recommendations

Citrus fruits belong to six genera (Fortunella, Eremocitrus, Clymendia, Poncirus, Microcitrus and Citrus) native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and the Malay Archipelago, but the major commercial fruits are species of Citrus. The principal scions and rootstocks are:

Listed food & fertilizer additives

Food and fertilizer additives (E-Numbers

Listed food & fertilizer additives is a collection of Wikipedia articles containing the full European Commission (EC)

Transport in Plants

Title :

Transport in  Plants

Author :

Kim Foglia & Kelly Reidell

Number of slides:



Solubility Handbook

Solubility handbook is a collection of Wikipedia articles related to solubility title was created by agronomist Khaled Gharib.