EC fertilizer regulations last updated April 2013

EC fertilizer regulations last updated April 2013 Contents: TITLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS CHAPTER I Scope and definitions CHAPTER II Placing on the market TITLE II PROVISIONS FOR SPECIFIC TYPES OF FERTILISERS

IFA world fertilizer use manual

IFA WORLD FERTILIZER USE MANUAL The manual is a 600-page handbook, containing detailed information on current fertilizer use recommendations and practices, for a wide range of world crops. Following an introduction on fertilizers and their efficient use, there are chapters on individual crops or groups of crops,

NPK fertilizer blending logic diagram

NPK fertilizer blending logic diagram Getting the best mathematical combination: Mathematical permutations and combinations are made in this step to get the requested grade of NPK , and in this step the need for fillers or not is determined.


Maize fertilization - IFA WORLD FERTILIZER USE MANUAL 1992 Contents: Crop data - Plant analytical data - Fertilizer recommendations - Forms of fertilizer - Present fertilizer recommendations/practices

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Showing posts with label Featured Slideshow. Show all posts

Uptake of nutrients by plants

Title :

Uptake of nutrients by plants

Author :

Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Univeristy

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Slideshow ;

Content transcript :


2.   - Passive Absorption.   - Active Absorption.   - Movement of Solutes in the Cells   - Ions accumulation   - Mechanism of ion uptake   - Antagonism   - Factors affecting ion absorption

3.   - Mineral uptake is the process in which minerals enter the cellular material, typically following the same pathway as water.   - The most normal entrance portal for mineral uptake is through plant roots.   - During transport throughout a plant, minerals can exit xylem and enter cells that require them.   - Mineral ions cross plasma membranes by a chemiosmotic mechanism.   -  Plants absorb minerals in ionic form: nitrate (NO3 − ), phosphate (HPO4− ) and potassium ions (K+); all have difficulty crossing a charged plasma membrane.

4.   - The uptake of nutrients occurs at both the roots and the leaves. owater and minerals oCO2

5.   - Ions may be taken up by the plant cells by two methods:   - 1. Passive Absorption.   - 2. Active Absorption.
6.   - It is the absorption of minerals without direct expenditure of metabolic energy.   - In passive absorption I.Mineral salt absorption is not affected by temperature and metabolic inhibitors II.Rapid uptake of ions occurs when plant tissues are transferred from a medium of low concentration to high concentration.   - The major hypotheses (theories) that explain the mechanism of passive transport of ions are:   - 1. mass flow theory.   - 2. Contact Exchange theory.   - 3.Carbonic Acid Exchange Theory   - 4. Donnan Equilibrium
7. 1- Mass flow theory   - According to this theory ions are absorbed by the root along with mass flow of water under the effect of transpiration.   - This theory failed to explain the salt accumulation against osmotic gradient.   -  An increase in transpiration pull increases the uptake of ions by the roots, (the uptake of ions by free diffusion).   - Thus, mass flow of ions through the root tissues occurs due to transpiration pull in the absence of metabolic energy.
8. 1- Mass flow theory
9. 2. Contact Exchange Theory   -  According to this theory, the ions adsorbed on the clay micelles get adsorbed to the root in exchange for H+ ions, previously, adsorbed on the root.   -  Ions adsorbed on solid particles oscillate within a small space. When two particles are close enough, the oscillation space of an ion adsorbed to one particle overlaps the oscillation space of an ion adsorbed to another particle. Thus exchange of ions may take place.
10. 3. Carbonic Acid Exchange Theory CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO- 3
11. 3. Carbonic Acid Exchange Theory   - The soil solution provides medium for exchange of ions between the root and clay micelles.   - Carbon dioxide released in respiration of root forms carbonic acid by reacting with water of the soil solution.   -  Carbonic acid then dissociates in the soil solution to form H+ and HCO- 3 ions shown above expression.   -  H+ ions are adsorbed to the clay micelles in exchange for cations, such as K+, which are released into the soil solution.   - From here they may diffuse to the root, where they may be adsorbed in exchange for H+ ions.
12. 4- Donnan Equilibrium
13. 4- Donnan Equilibrium   - Cell membrane is composed of macromolecules of proteins and lipids that have many carboxyl groups (-COOH) and phosphate (HPO3-) groups, from which positively charged particles like protons of hydrogen (H+) can dissociate, leaving the macromolecules with negative charge.   -  Thus the membrane is usually negatively charged. The negative charges are not diffusible because they are within the membrane structure.   - These negatively charged ions on the membrane called fixed ions.   - The negatively charged membrane is called Donnan phase.
14. 4- Donnan Equilibrium   - Now, suppose that a solution of potassium chloride (KCl) is present outside the Donnan phase.   - The cations (K+) will tend to diffuse through the membrane because of electronic potential difference.   - The cations will finally come to equilibrium with fixed negative charges of the membrane. The Cl- ions with negative charge will not move into the cell because of this electronic potential.   - They can, however, diffuse by chemical potential difference or difference of concentration of Cl- on both sides of the membrane. Some K+ ions will also move into the cell by chemical potential gradient.
15. 4- Donnan Equilibrium   - The Cl- ions which remain outside the membrane will set up an electric potential difference at the membrane surface which is negative, on account of Cl- ions, compared to the external solution.   - Such an electric potential is called Donnan potential. The Donnan potential will allow K+ to diffuse through the membrane and repel the Cl- ions (opposite charges repel each other), this equilibrium is called Dannan Equilibrium.
16. 3- Donnan Equilibrium   - In general, Donnan equilibrium may be expressed in the following equation: concentration of positive ions (inside) = concentration of negative ions (outside) concentration of positive ions (outside) concentration of negative ions (inside)   - As at Donnan equilibrium, more cations (positively charged ions) tend to pass through the membrane the cations will accumulate in the cell against diffusion gradient.
17.   - The active transport of ions from the outer space of the cell to the inner space is generally occurs against the concentration gradient and hence requires metabolic energy, this energy is obtained from metabolism of the cell either directly or in directly.   - The major hypotheses that explain the mechanism of active transport of ions are: 1.Carrier Concept – transport by a carrier protein. 2.Cytochrome Pump – transport by electrochemical gradient generated by electron transport.
18. 1.Carrier Concept
19. 1.Carrier Concept   - According to this hypothesis the carrier protein picks up an ion from one side of the membrane and discharges it on the other side. The picking up and discharge of the ion requires energy. Energy is obtained by hydrolysis of ATP.   - ATP changes into ADP and energy released is used to change the conformation of the carrier which may be ATPase itself, so that the ion is picked up on one side of the membrane and released on the other.   - After discharge of an ion, carrier protein is reprimed to pick up an other ion. The carrier protein may carry one ion inwards and may exchange it with another ion at the inner surface of membrane, so that the other ion is carried by the same carrier outwards.
20. 2. Cytochrome Pump Salt Respiration or Electron Transport Theory:
21. 2.Cytochrome Pump Salt Respiration or Electron Transport Theory:   - Anions could be transported across the membrane by cytochrome system. Energy is supplied by direct oxidation of respiratory intermediates.   - This mechanism of ion transport is based on electrochemical gradient generated by electron transport.   - When hydrogen is removed from a substrate in respiration and carried along an electron transport chain, it is changed into two charged species: H (hydrogen atom) H+ (hydrogen ion) + e- (electron)
22. 2.Cytochrome Pump Salt Respiration or Electron Transport Theory:   - The H+ and e- are separated on opposite sides of the mitochondrial membrane by the electron carrier enzymes, which are so arranged in the inner mitochondrial membrane that they carry hydrogen ion to the outside and electron to the inside.   - The hydrogen atoms transported through the membrane must be derived from water by the following reaction: H2O OH- + H+ H+ + e- (from electron carrier) H
23.   - The OH- ions of water remain inside the membrane. Since H+ on the outside and OH- ions on the inside of the membrane, the outside of the membrane becomes positively charged and the inside is negatively charged.   - This also generates a pH gradient, because outside of the membrane is more acidic because of accumulation of H+ ions and inside of the membrane is basic on account of the presence of OH- ions.   - Proton gradients are produced both in mitochondrial membrane and the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts.   -  In mitochondria H+ ions move outwards, while in chloroplast membranes they move inwards along electron transport chain. 2.Cytochrome Pump Salt Respiration or Electron Transport Theory:
24.   - Proton gradients as proposed by Mitchell’s chemiosmotic hypothesis must be generated in the plasmalemma of cells for active transport of solutes.   - Electric potential difference present in the plasmalemma suggests that charge separation occurs across this membrane also.   - Electron carriers are also required for charge separation, but it is not yet known what substances in plasmalemma act as electron carriers. ATPase has been found in this membrane, which may generate proton gradient. 2.Cytochrome Pump Salt Respiration or Electron Transport Theory:
25.   - On the establishment of proton gradient, the cations move actively in exchange for H+ ions in a direction opposite to that of H+ ions and anions move passively to satisfy the charge balance.   - Similarly, when anions move actively in exchange for OH- ions, the cations move passively to maintain the charge balance. H+ ions crossing the membrane react with OH- ions to form H2O.   -  Similarly, OH- ions transported through the membrane react with H+ ions to produce water. 2.Cytochrome Pump Salt Respiration or Electron Transport Theory:
26.   - Diagrammatic representation of cytochrome pump hypothesis on salt absorption, anions (A- ) are actively absorbed via a cytochrome pump and cation (M+) are passively absorbed.   - The rate of respiration, which is solely due to anion absorption, is called as anion respiration or salt respiration.   - The original rate of respiration (without anion respiration) can be observed in distilled water and is called ground respiration. 2.Cytochrome Pump Salt Respiration or Electron Transport Theory:
27.   - The diffusion of ions depends not only on the osmotic or chemical potential gradient but on the electrical potential also, because ions are particles which have electric charges on them.   - The chemical potential gradient is produced if the concentration of an ion on one side of the membrane is higher than the other side.   - An example will explain the difference between electrical and chemical potential gradients.
28.   - An electrical potential gradient may result from the presence of charged particles or ions on both sides of the membrane or by the charges associated with the surface of the membrane on both sides.   - If a cation (positively charged ion) is more concentrated inside the cell than outside but inside of the cell is negatively charged with respect to out side, the cation will tend to diffuse out of the cell down the chemical potential gradient, but it will tend to diffuse into the cell down the electrical potential gradient.   - The final direction of movement of the solution will be determined by the gradient (electrical or chemical), which is the steepest.
29.   - The penetration of ions of mineral salts into the cells continues even if the concentration of ions inside is more than in the external solution.   -  This phenomenon is called accumulation.   - It follows no rules of diffusion.
30.   - Algal cells have been observed to accumulate larger amounts of K+ ions and to reject other ions such as Na+.   - Root cells of higher cells also behave in the same way.   - Monovalent cations, such as K+ are taken up more readily than divalent cations, like Ca++ or polyvalent cations.   - Similarly, monovalent anions, like Cl-, Br- or NO- 3, accumulate more in the cells than divalent (SO- 4) or polyvalent anions.   -  Certain plants, like halophytes, accumulate large quantities of Na+ ions. This is why such plants can survive in saline conditions.
31.   - The presence of one ion in a solution reduces the uptake of another ion by the cell. This phenomenon is known as antagonism.   - A plant tissue placed in a dilute solution of potassium chloride will rapidly accumulate potassium ions, which may reach a high level, that is toxic to the cells.   - If, however, trace amounts of calcium are present in the solution, the absorption of potassium is much reduced and its poisonous effects are avoided.   - Calcium is thus said to antagonize the uptake of potassium. It also antagonizes sodium.
32.   - Potassium or calcium also antagonize magnesium uptake.   - It appears from these facts that ions which antagonize one another effectively must be unrelated (not in the same group in the periodic table).   - Sodium will not antagonize potassium uptake, because both are included in the same group. Like wise barium will not antagonize calcium. Sodium or potassium will antagonize barium or calcium.   - Antagonizing ions are required in very small quantities to show their effects.
33.   - Antagonism has advantages and disadvantages for the field plants. For instance, many soils have surplus ions of potassium or calcium, which may produce toxic effects, had there been no antagonism.   - Excess of certain ions in the soil solutions may prevent the uptake of other ions that are essential for the plants and hence may produce deficiency symptoms in the plants, although the required ions are present in sufficient quantities in the soil.   - Excess of sodium ions in the soil, for example, may produce calcium deficiency by antagonizing the uptake of calcium, although calcium may be present in sufficient amounts in the soil.
34.   - Absorption of mineral salts is affected by the number of external and internal factors. External factors •Light •Hydrogène ion concentration (pH). •Temperature •Oxygen •Interaction Internal factors •Growth and morpho- physiological status •Aging
35. 1.Temperature.   -  Absorption of mineral salt is affected by change in temperature. In general, an increase in temperature results increase in the absorption of salts up to a certain optimum level.   -  At very high temperature the absorption is considerably inhibited. The inhibition might be due to denaturation of proteins which are directly or indirectly involved in mineral salt absorption.   -  The change in temperature also affects the process of diffusion.   -  The rate of diffusion depends upon the kinetic energy of diffusing molecules or ions which, in turn, dependent upon temperature.
36. 2- Hydrogen ion concentration (pH).   -  Change in the hydrogen ion concentration (pH) of the soil solution affects the availability of ions to the plants.   - In general, decrease in the pH of soil solution accelerates the absorption of anions.   -  For example, boron is taken up as the undissociated acid, H3BO3 as the H2BO3? ions. It is absorbed at lower pH.   - In contrast to the anions, increase in pH will favour the absorption of cations.   -  However, pH values across the physiological range may damage the plant tissue and inhibit the salt absorption.
37. 3. Light.   -  Light has no direct effect, but indirectly by transpiration and photosynthesis, influences salt absorption. 4. Oxygen.   - The active salt absorption is inhibited by the absence of oxygen.
38. 5. Interaction.   - The absorption of one ion is affected by the presence of other ions in the medium.   - For example, Viets (1944) demonstrated that the absorption of potassium is affected by the presence of calcium, magnesium and other polyvalent cations in the soil solution.   - Epstein (1978) demonstrated the interaction of several ions (K, Cs, Li, Rb and Na) as competitive for binding sites on carriers. For example, K, Rb and Cs compete with one another for the same binding sites. Li and Na, on the other hand, are not competitive because they have different binding sites.
39. 1. Growth.   - Active cell division, elongation and developmental processes promote the absorption of mineral salts. 2.Aging.   - As the root matures it increases the surface area which is favourable for salt absorption, but due to heavy suberization the mineral salt uptake is greatly reduced.

Plant mineral nutrition

Title :

Plant mineral nutrition

Author :

Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Univeristy


Plant Growth

Title :

Plant Growth

Author :

Kim Foglia & Kelly Reidell

Number of slides:


Plant Reproduction

Title :

Plant Reproduction

Author :

Kim Foglia & Kelly Reidell

Number of slides:


Plant Nutrition

Title :

Plant Nutrition

Author :

Kim Foglia & Kelly Reidell

Number of slides:




Title :


Author :

Kim Foglia & Kelly Reidell

Number of slides:



Plant Anatomy

Title :

Plant Anatomy

Author :

Kim Foglia & Kelly Reidell

Number of slides:


Slideshow :

Content transcript :

Basic plant anatomy 1
* root
* root tip
* root hairs
Plant Body Hierarchy
* Tissue
* Cells with a common function
* Organ
* 3 basic organs
* Roots
* Stems
* Leaves

* Roots anchor plant in soil, absorb 
minerals & water, & store food
* fibrous roots (1)
* mat of thin roots that spread out
* monocots
* tap roots (2)
* 1 large vertical root 
* also produces many small lateral, 
or branch roots 
* dicots
* root hairs (3)
* increase absorptive 
surface area
Basic plant anatomy 2
* root
* root tip
* root hairs
* shoot (stem)
* nodes
* internodes
* buds
* terminal or apical buds
* axillary buds
* flower buds & flowers
Modified shoots
Basic plant anatomy 3
* root
* root tip
* root hairs
* shoot (stem)
* nodes
* internodes
* buds
* terminal or apical buds
* axillary buds
* flower buds & flowers 
* leaves
* mesophyll tissue
* veins (vascular bundles)
* Function of leaves
* photosynthesis
* energy production
* CHO production
* gas exchange
* transpiration
Modified leaves

Interdependent systems
* Both systems depend on the other
* roots depend on  sugars produced by photosynthetic leaves
* shoots depend on water & minerals absorbed from the soil by roots
* Dermal
* epidermis (“skin” of plant)
* single layer of tightly packed cells that covers 
& protects plant
* Ground
* bulk of plant tissue 
* photosynthetic mesophyll, storage 
* Vascular
* transport system in 
shoots & roots 
* xylem & phloem
Plant CELL types in plant tissues
* Parenchyma
* “typical” plant cells = least specialized
* photosynthetic cells, storage cells
* tissue of leaves, stem, fruit, storage roots
* Collenchyma
* unevenly thickened primary walls
* support
* Sclerenchyma 
* very thick, “woody” secondary walls
* support
* rigid cells that can’t elongate
* dead at functional maturity
* Thick, rigid cell wall
* lignin (wood)
* cannot elongate
* mostly dead at maturity
* Cells for support
* xylem vessels
* xylem tracheids
* fibers
* rope fibers
* sclereids
* nutshells
* seed coats 
* grittiness in pears

Phloem: food-conducting cells
Phloem: food-conducting cells
* Living cells at functional maturity
* cell membrane, cytoplasm
* control of diffusion
* lose their nucleus, ribosomes & vacuole
* more room for specialized transport of 
liquid food (sucrose)
* Cells 
* sieve tubes
* sieve plates — end walls — have pores to facilitate flow of fluid between cells
* companion cells
* nucleated cells connected to the sieve-tube 
* help sieve tubes
Vascular tissue in stems
Vascular tissue in roots: dicot
Vascular tissue in roots: monocot
Putting it all together 
* Obtaining raw materials
* sunlight
* leaves = solar collectors
* CO2
* stomates = gas exchange
* H2O
* uptake from roots
* nutrients
* uptake from roots
Plant Growth
* Apical meristem
* Growth in length
* Primary
* Lateral meristem
* Growth in diameter
* Secondary

Growth in woody plants
* Woody plants grow in height from tip
* primary growth
* apical meristem
* Woody plants grow in diameter from sides
* secondary growth
* lateral meristems
* vascular cambium
* makes 2° phloem & 2° xylem
* cork cambium
* makes bark
Primary growth of roots
* Root cap
* Protects root as it grows
* Cell division (mitosis)
* Cells small
* Cell elongation
* Cell differentiation
* Cells mature into 
final cell types
Primary growth of stems
* Shoot apical meristem
* Dividing cells at shoot tip
* Develop from axillary bud on stem’s surface

Secondary plant growth: vascular cambium
* Adds secondary xylem & phloem
* Thickens roots & stems
* Heartwood
* Close to center
* Does not transport water 
* Sapwood
* Transport xylem sap
* Outer layers

Secondary plant growth:  cork cambium
* Periderm
* Cork cambium & tissues
* Produces thick covering
* Protects from water loss
* Phelloderm
* Thin layer of parenchyma
* Secondary tissue
* Exterior of cork cambium
* Suberin - waxy

NPK fertilizer blending logic diagram

Title :

NPK fertilizer blending logic diagram

Author :

Eng. Khaled Gharib


Transport in Plants

Title :

Transport in  Plants

Author :

Kim Foglia & Kelly Reidell

Number of slides:



Plant water relations

Title :

Plant mineral nutrition

Author :

Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Univeristy

Number of slides:



Slideshow :

Content transcript :

1. The Absorption of Water Lecture 2 A
2. The impotence of water for living organisms The Absorption of Water Factor affecting passive water absorption Transport of water within plants The Ascent of Sap
3. Functions of water: 1. is a major component of cells. 2. is a solvent for the uptake and transport of materials. 3. is a good medium for biochemical reactions. 4. is a reactant in many biochemical reactions (i.e., photosynthesis). 5. provides structural support via turgor pressure (i.e., leaves). the medium for the transfer of plant gametes (sperms swim to eggs). water, some aquatic plants shed pollen underwater.
4. - Functions of water: 8.Offspring (propagated) dispersal (think "coconut"). 9.Plant movements are the result of water moving into and out of those parts (i.E., Diurnal movements, stomatal opening, flower opening). 10. Cell elongation and growth. 11.Thermal buffer. 12.Perhaps most importantly, water has directed the evolution of all organisms. You can think of morphological features of organisms as a consequence of water availability. For example, consider organisms growing in xeric (dry), mesic (moderate) and hydric (aquatic) environments.
5. Acids and bases : - Water ionizes to a small degree to form a hydrogen ion (or proton) and hydroxide ion (OH-). - In reality, two water molecules form a hydronium ion (H30+) and a hydroxide ion (OH-) - In pure water, [H+] = [OH-] This solution is neutral [H+] > [OH-] Then, the solution is an acid (acidic) [H+] < [OH-] Then the solution is a base (alkaline)
6. Thus: 1.An acid is a substance that increases the [H+], or as the chemists say, is a proton donor. eg. HCl H+ + Cl- 2.A base is a substance that increases the [OH-]; or from the perspective of a proton, a base is a substance that decreases the proton concentration; it is a proton acceptor. e.g. NaOH Na+ + OH- (accepts protons to make water) e.g. NH3 (ammonia) + H+ NH4 + (ammonium ion)
7. Water movement : -  There are two major ways to move molecules: A. Bulk (or Mass) Flow - This is the mass movement of molecules in response to a pressure gradient. - The molecules move from high to à low pressure, following a pressure gradient.
8. Water movement : -  There are two major ways to move molecules: B. Diffusion - The net, random movement of individual molecules from one area to another. The molecules move from [high] à [low], following a concentration gradient. - Another way of stating this is that the molecules move from an area of high free energy (higher concentration) to one of low free energy (lower concentration). The net movement stops when a dynamic equilibrium is achieved.
9. - Most absorption of water occurs in the root tip regions, and especially in the root hair zone. Older portions of most roots become covered with cutinized or suberized layers through which only very limited quantities of water can pass. - Whenever the water potential in the peripheral root cells is less than that of the soil water, movement of water from the soil into the root cells occurs. - The successively smaller branches of the root system of any plant terminate ultimately in the root tips, of which there may be thousands and often millions on a single plant.
10. The major functions of roots are : 1. Absorption of water and inorganic nutrients 2. Anchoring the plant body to the ground. 3. Roots also function in cytokinin synthesis, which supplies some of shoot needs. 4. They often function in storage of food. Primary and secondary roots in a cotton plant
11. Root structure : 1- The root cap - At the tip of every growing root is a conical covering of tissue called The root cap - It usually is not visible to the naked eye. - It consists of undifferentiated soft tissue (parenchyma) with unthickened walls covering the apical meristem. - It provides mechanical protection to the meristem cells as the root advances through the soil, its cells worn away but quickly replaced by new cells generated by cell division within the meristem. - It is also involved in the production of mucigel, a sticky mucilage that coats the new formed cells. These cells contain statoliths, starch grains that move in response to gravity and thus control root orientation.
12. Root structure :
13. Root structure : 2- The epidermis - It is the outside surface of a primary root. - Recently produced epidermal cells absorb water from the surrounding environment and produce outgrowths called root hairs that greatly increase the cell's absorptive surface. 3- Root-hairs - Are very delicate and generally short-lived, remaining functional for only a few days. -  However, as the root grows, new epidermal cells emerge and these form new root hairs, replacing those that die. - The process by which water is absorbed into the epidermal cells from the soil is known as osmosis. For this reason, water that is saline is more difficult for most plant species to absorb.
14. Root structure : 4- The cortex - Is beneath the epidermis, which comprises the bulk of the primary root. Its main function is storage of starch. - Intercellular spaces in the cortex aerate cells for respiration. - An endodermis is a thin layer of small cells forming the innermost part of the cortex and surrounding the vascular tissues deeper in the root. - The tightly packed cells of the endodermis contain a substance known as suberin in their cell walls. This suberin layer is the Casparian strip, which creates an impermeable barrier of sorts. -  Mineral nutrients can only move passively within root cell walls until they reach the endodermis.
15. Root structure : 5- The vascular cylinder, or stele, - It consists of the cells inside the endodermis. - The outer part, known as the pericycle, surrounds the actual vascular tissue. - In monocotyledonous plants, the xylem and phloem cells are arranged in a circle around a pith or center, - in dicotyledons, the xylem cells form a central "hub" with lobes, and phloem cells fill in the spaces between the lobes.
16. Water Movement Through a Plant : To start with the roots: - Most of the water absorption is carried out by the younger part of the roots. Just behind the growing tip of a young root is the piliferous region, made up of hundreds of projections of the epidermal tissue, the root hairs. - Root hairs can be seen very clearly in newly germinated seeds, - The root hairs are short lived being constantly replaced as new growth takes place.
17. Water Movement Through a Plant : To start with the roots: - The narrow walled hairs greatly increase the surface area over which water absorption can take place. - Water in the soil spaces is taken into the root hairs by the process of osmosis, there being a higher water concentration outside than within the root hair cells.
18. Absorption mechanism : - All absorption of water occurs along gradient of decreasing water from the medium in which the roots are growing to the root xylem. - However, the gradient is produced differently in slowly and in rapidly transpiring plants. - This results in two absorption mechanisms: absorption or osmotic absorption in slowly transpiring where roots behave as osmometers, and 2.passive absorption in rapidly transpiring plants where water is pulled in by the decreased pressure or tension produced in the xylem sap through the roots, which function as passive surfaces. It is operative in the form of root pressure, bleeding and guttation.
19. Root pressure: - Roots of plant absorb water from the soil. - Water is thus exuded in the xylem ducts of the root and stem under pressure, the pressure developed inside the roots due to absorption of water is called the root pressure. -  It is believed to be a simple osmotic process, caused by accumulation of sufficient solutes in the xylem ducts to lower the water potential of the xylem sap below that of the substrate.
20. Root pressure: Figure
21. Root pressure: Figure
22. Root pressure: Figure
23. Root pressure: Figure
24. Root pressure: - Root pressure occurs in the xylem of some vascular plants when the soil moisture level is high either at night or when transpiration is low during the day. - When transpiration is high, xylem sap is usually under tension, rather than under pressure, due to transpirational pull. - At night in some plants, root pressure causes guttation or exudation of drops of xylem sap from the tips or edges of leaves. - Root pressure is studied by removing the shoot of a plant near the soil level. Xylem sap will exude from the cut stem for hours or days due to root pressure. If a pressure gauge is attached to the cut stem, the root pressure can be measured.
25. Root pressure: - Root pressure is caused by active transport of mineral nutrient ions into the root xylem. Without transpiration to carry the ions up the stem, they accumulate in the root xylem and lower the water potential. -  Water then diffuses from the soil into the root xylem due to osmosis. Root pressure is caused by this accumulation of water in the xylem pushing on the rigid cells. -  Root pressure provides a force, which pushes water up the stem, but it is not enough to account for the movement of water to leaves at the top of the tallest trees. The maximum root pressure measured in some plants can raise water only to about 20 meters, and the tallest trees are over 100 meters tall.
26. Role of endodermis : - The endodermis in the root is important in the development of root pressure. The endodermis is a single layer of cells between the cortex to the outside and the pericycle. - A waterproof substance in the walls of endodermal cells, suberin, prevents mineral nutrient ions from moving passively through the endodermal cell walls. Movement of water and ions in the cell walls is the apoplast pathway. - The suberin layer is termed the Casparian strip. Ions outside the endodermis must be actively transported across an endodermal cell membrane to enter or exit the endodermis.
27. Root pressure:
28. Role of endodermis : - Once inside the endodermis, the ions are in the symplast pathway. They cannot diffuse back out again but can move from cell to cell via plasmodesmata or be actively transported into the xylem. - Once in the xylem vessels or tracheids, ions are again in the apoplast pathway. Xylem vessels and tracheids transport water up the plant but lack cell membranes. - The Casparian strip substitutes for their lack of cell membranes and prevents accumulated ions from diffusing passively in apoplast pathway out of the endodermis. - The ions accumulating interior to the endodermis in the xylem create a water potential gradient and by osmosis, water diffuses from the moist soil, across the cortex, through the endodermis and into the xylem.
29. Passive water absorption: - This is the most prevalent method of water absorption. In this process the force concerned with this type of absorption eminates the aerial parts of the plant especially leaves and causes a tension in the xylem sap. - From the root tip to the apical portion of the plant there is a continuous column of water present in the xylem elements. These are in contact with the living cell. As a result of the active transpiration of the leaves, water is drawn from the adjacent to the intercellular spaces below the stomota and these do so from the xylem in turn. Water in the xylem ducts is put into a great tension. - This mtension decreases water potential of the xylem sap. Root hairs are present in the soil and are in touch with the water molecules to be absorbed. As a result the tension of the xylem sap can be remedied in these root hairs.
30. Factor affecting passive water absorption Plant factors Root system Resistance of conducting system Environmental factors Availability of soil water Concentration of salts Soil air Transpiration Soil temperature
31. 1. Plant factors Root system •The number and length of root hairs as well as the length of root hair zone determine the extent of water absorbed from the soil. •Deeper portions of the roots are less efficient in the water uptake compared to the less deep portions. • The continuous formation and growth of root hair facilitate water uptake. Also metabolism of the root hair influences the amount of water uptake. Resistance of conducting system •The rate of water absorption directly depends upon the resistance to the passage of water. •The latter is connected with the cell wall permeability, metabolic state of the protoplasm, nature of endodermis, xylem vessels: their location, distribution and diameter.
32. 2. Environmental factors Availability of soil water •The amount of water content of the soil influences the rate of the water absorption. •Soil having poor aeration, low metabolism affect water uptake. Concentration of salts •If the soil water has enormous quantities of minerals dissolved in it, this will increase the osmotic pressure of the soil. Soil air •The amount of aeration of soil greatly influences the water absorption. •Water logged soil has less amount of dissolved oxygen. • Also higher CO2 is detrimental to the absorption of water.
33. 2. Environmental factors Transpiration •Water uptake is closely linked with the rate of transpiration. •Since transpiration causes tension through the water loss. •Therefore high rate of transpiration causes increased water absorption. Soil temperature •Cold soils are physiologically dry. • Low temperature affects root metabolism especially its permeability and its elongation. •At temperatures between 15-25oc the absorption of water is maximal.
34. - Most plants secure the water they need from their roots. - The path taken is: soil -> roots -> stems -> leaves . - Less than 1% of the water reaching the leaves is used in photosynthesis and plant growth. Most of it is lost in transpiration. - However, transpiration does serve two useful functions: • It provides the force for lifting the water up the stems. • It cools the leaves. - Water and minerals enter the root by separate paths which eventually converge in the stele.
35. The Pathway of Water
36. The Pathway of Water Soil water enters the root through its epidermis. It appears that water then travels in both 1.The cytoplasm of root cells — called the symplast — that is, it crosses the plasma membrane and then passes from cell to cell through plasmodesmata. 2.In the nonliving parts of the root — called the apoplast — that is, in the spaces between the cells and in the cells walls themselves. This water has not crossed a plasma membrane.
37. The Pathway of Water - However, the inner boundary of the cortex, the endodermis, is impervious to water because of a band of suberized matrix called the casparian strip. - Therefore, to enter the stele, apoplastic water must enter the symplasm of the endodermal cells. From here it can pass by plasmodesmata into the cells of the stele. - Once inside the stele, water is again free to move between cells as well as through them. In young roots, water enters directly into the xylem vessels and/or tracheids. These are nonliving conduits so are part of the apoplast.
38. The Pathway of Water - Once in the xylem, water with the minerals that have been deposited in it (as well as occasional organic molecules supplied by the root tissue) move up in the vessels and tracheids. - At any level, the water can leave the xylem and pass laterally to supply the needs of other tissues. - At the leaves, the xylem passes into the petiole and then into the veins of the leaf. - Water leaves the finest veins and enters the cells of the spongy and palisade layers. Here some of the water may be used in metabolism, but most is lost in transpiration.
39. - The upward movement of water from the root to the top of the plant is called as ascent of sap. - The water uptake takes place through the roots and the leaves transpire most of this water.
40. Theories of Ascent of Sap Vital Force Theories Physical Force Theories Root pressure theory Imbibitional force Capillary rise Cohesion-tension theory Theories of Ascent of Sap
41. - The intimate association of vessels and tracheids with living cells (xylem parenchyma and xylem ray cells) has tempted many workers to suggest that upward translocation of water is brought about in some manner by the living cells of the stem. 1-Vital theories
42. a- Root pressure theory : - It has already explained before. b- Imbibitional force : - Water rises by imbibtion through the thick walls of the xylem cells, as well as of the sclernchyma of the phloem. - The forces of imbibition seem adequate for carrying water to any required distance. - This imbibitional force works with the other forces to aid in the ascent of sap. 2- Physical theories
43. c- Capillary rise : - The water moves through the lumina of tracheids and vessel by capillarity. - The height to which water can rise in small tracheids (0.02-mm width) is about 150 cm, while in larger vessels (0.5-mm width) the height would be only 6 cm. - Thus capillarity in the usual sense does not operate in plants. 2- Physical theories
44. c- Capillary rise : 2- Physical theories
45. d- Cohesion-tension theory - In 1895, the Irish plant physiologists Dixon and Joly proposed that water is pulled up the plant by tension (negative pressure) from above. - As we have seen, water is continually being lost from leaves by transpiration. Dixon and Joly believed that the loss of water in the leaves exerts a pull on the water in the xylem ducts and draws more water into the leaf. -  But even the best vacuum pump can pull water up to a height of only 34 ft or so. - This is because a column of water that high exerts a pressure (~15 lb/in2) just counter balanced by the pressure of the atmosphere. 2- Physical theories
46. d- Cohesion-tension theory - How can water be drawn to the top of a sequoia (the tallest is 370 feet high)? - Taking all factors into account, a pull of at least 270 lb/in2 is probably needed. - The answer to the dilemma lies the cohesion of water molecules; that is the property of water molecules to cling to each through the hydrogen bonds they form. 2- Physical theories
47. d- Cohesion-tension theory - When water is confined to tubes of very small bore, the force of cohesion between water molecules imparts great strength to the column of water. - Tensions as great as 3000 lb/in2 are needed to break the column, about the value needed to break steel wires of the same diameter. In a sense, the cohesion of water molecules gives them the physical properties of solid wires. - Because of the critical role of cohesion, the transpiration- pull theory is also called the cohesion theory. 2- Physical theories
48. 2- Physical theories d- Cohesion-tension theory